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๐Ÿ’† Meetings

Meetings are fundamental tools in order to keep each other updated and to talk to each other, but, above all, it is fundamental in order to keep the community spirit which characterises us.

Meetings are mostly held online, on All of them are summarized in memorandum kept here.

General meetings

General meetings are held twice a month. All active members should take part in it. Throughout the year they are held mostly online.


Assemblies are official meetings in which all A.P.S Oltre associates, sympathazer and honorary members included, should take part. Generally, they are not more than four per year. Assemblies are official meetings of the A.P.S Oltre, where the most important decisions are taken democratically.

Assemblies are held every three months, they are summoned by a president's email at least one week earlier. All members are invited to participate and to answer the convocation email by conferming their presence. In case of absence, they are entitled to delegate another member of their choice.


Usually the convocation email sent to each member contains two convocations. The former is scheduled at an impossible time. This trick is a way to make sure that the assembly will take place during the second convocation, therefore a quorum is not necessary in order to approve the resolutions. For this reason, in the reply email it is fundamental to specify that we are present only for the second convocation.

Team Meetings

Team Meetings are programmed and led autonomously by each Team, under the direction of the Team Leader. The latter does not arbitrarily decide, on the contrary he/she makes sure that meetings are attended, all the pending questions are touched and that the futur and the efficiency of the team are discussed.

Team Leaders

Team Leaders meet every three weeks. They play a pivotal role in sharing their plans, harmonizing the work of each team and confronting on the necessities, doubts and prospects.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2022-10-27
Creata: 2022-10-27